Dig Down
You left with dignity and fortitude
But came back
On hands and knees
With tear stained eyes
You hung your head
And took it all
All, because it was all you
You could hope for
I took everything
You gave up everything you had
And still you try
Giving up more than you have
Just to make it right
You can't make it right
I take it all
Take it all in
Hide it from the light
And watch the slow death
It proceeds
You dug your hole
And still you dig
Deeper even still
How to get out from here
You don't even bother to think
But came back
On hands and knees
With tear stained eyes
You hung your head
And took it all
All, because it was all you
You could hope for
I took everything
You gave up everything you had
And still you try
Giving up more than you have
Just to make it right
You can't make it right
I take it all
Take it all in
Hide it from the light
And watch the slow death
It proceeds
You dug your hole
And still you dig
Deeper even still
How to get out from here
You don't even bother to think